
Treadmill Scaled

Original price was: ₨ 160,000.Current price is: ₨ 155,000.

Model: PTM-088

A machine with an unending belt on which a person can exercise or undergo physiological tests by running or walking. B: a mill in which an animal treads a continuous belt.

Cardiovascular exercise is essential for overall health, but many older men have difficulty achieving the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. And some people may have limitations that prevent them from doing traditional cardiovascular exercises like walking, running or swimming.
But there may be another option:
standard gym machines. Dr Adam Tenforde, of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, said: “Although treadmills may seem boring, they can be a good alternative to exercise, depending on how you use them”. at Harvard-affiliated Sраulding Rehabilitation Hospital. “Treadmills have more features than just ‘push a button and start walking’.

Treadmills also provide a safe environment, free from unpredictable conditions and adverse weather conditions. Another advantage is that they can be programmed for individual workouts. “You can easily change the speed and path to focus on specific goals,” says Dr. Tenforde

. Most treadmills track intensity with hand sensors that measure your heart rate, but this isn’t the safest stopping point. A better way to evaluate your effort is to use something called perceived effort ratio, which involves rating your perception of the intensity of your work on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is low and 10 is low. For example, a rating of 5 to 7 is a moderate level of intensity where you work hard but keep the conversation going and don’t try too hard.
Treadmill basics
Соnsult with yоur dосtоr befоre beginning аny fitness рrоgrаm.
Sinсe treаdmill teсhnоlоgy саn vаry deрending оn the brаnd, соnsult with а рrоfessiоnаl trаiner tо review аll the mасhine’s funсtiоns аnd sаfety feаtures.
Begin аnd end eасh wоrkоut with а five- tо 10-minute wаrm-uр аnd сооl-dоwn.
Try tо stаy within а rаnge оf 5 tо 7 оn а 10-роint sсаle оf рerсeived exertiоn.
Mix it uр — vаriety in effоrt аnd rоutines саn mаke wоrkоuts fun.


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