The device has the ability to provide simultaneous pulse therapy for all four body segments. This device combines Chinese medical technology with contemporary science and technology. For those with end-stage neurological paralysis or tight shoulders, this solution is perfect.
This device combines Chinese medical technology with contemporary science and technology.
This device combines Chinese medical technology with contemporary science and technology. For those with end-stage neurological paralysis or tight shoulders, this solution is perfect.
combining seven therapeutic techniques—slow stroke, unified stroke, united stroke massage, acupuncture, scraping, cupping, and blood pressure lowering—to achieve the maximum application rate and the best results on body reaction.
Qualities: item name: digital therapy apparatus Silvery in color large LED screen for displaying.
Blueidea pulse massage is compact, portable, micro-computer-controlled device
Electronic Pulse Massager can be used on your shoulders, legs, arms, neck, back, and feet
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